Fruits Basket Generation Two

Jemusuto Kuintetto

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(Gemstone Quintet)

Asuto Sohma

Name: Asuto Sohma
Asuto is the leader of the Jemusuto Kuintetto. She wears a ring made of Maw Sit-Sit (A type of Jade). This gem's curse enables her to make colored shock waves emerge from the ground and travel up to fifty feet from her.


Name: Tukara Sohma
Tukara's gem is the emerald of the Sohma family, which is in her necklace. With it, she can seemingly vanish, although she just camoflauges. She can only do this for a limited amount of time, however, so she must be careful using it.


Name: Aoiro Sohma
Aoiro's gem, the opal, allows her to change her eye and hair color at will. When she gets a cold, however, she has no control over her color morphing. Every time she sneezes, both her eyes and hair change.


Name: Kuroisa Sohma
Kuroisa's gem is black. It's a sphere made of jet. It gives her the power to zap people with black lightning.


Name: Zada Sohma
Zada is almost always quiet. She is also very mysterious. She wears a ring of sapphire, which gives her the power of temporary 'mind blow,' with which she can confuse people.

Fruits Basket is Copyright Natsuki Takaya. We are not affiliated. Please do not sue us. We are just fans writing a fanfiction.