Fruits Basket Generation Two

Kazina Sohma

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Name: Kazina Sohma
Age: 15
Birthdate: Jan 27
Zodiac: Leo
Favorite color: Red
Least favorite color: Olive green
Fav food: Anything sweet
Least favorite food: Meatloaf
Hobbies: Playing Violin, Playing Basketball, Drawing, and Listening to Music
Fears: She gets very upset when her friends or family are emotionally or physically hurt. She also hates birds, especially chickens, though she likes to eat chicken, the live ones are creepy.

Appearance: Tall [about five feet ten inches] with brown eyes and shoulder length brown hair with gold highlights. Is almost never seen wearing a dress or skirt [except the school uniform]. When not at school she wears jeans and a t-shirt. She usually is seen wearing her favorite necklace. As Leo her hair color changes to neon orange, she looks more tan, and she has lion ears and tail, along with her powers.
Powers: Increased strength. Some telekinetic power; namely feeling peoples emotions and being able to tell where they are. She can also change peoples emotions, but only for a limited amount of time, and if she does it to too many people at once she blacks out.
Okay, other than chickens...Kazina fears that she'll lose herself in other peoples emotions and not find her way back to herself, becuse often she feels the strong emotions of other people especially large groups of people. Not only that but if there are enough people she can understand the reasons behind these emotions. Once she saw an old woman on the street and blacked out. She experience the pain and suffering of that woman's past. After she woke up from the experience three days later she forced herself to forget about most of it. But she still knows that it might happen again and next time she may not wake up. She'll be stuck living the worst parts of another persons past for the rest of her life....For this reason she avoids areas of extreme fear or anxiety whenever possible even in her normal form she gets a little overwhelmed by the emotions occasionally. She doesn't mind large groups of cheerful/happy people though. Pleasant emotions don't overwhelm her and she has described it before as 'warmth', 'light' and says that is feels '… sort of fizzy.'.

Fruits Basket is Copyright Natsuki Takaya. We are not affiliated. Please do not sue us. We are just fans writing a fanfiction.