Fruits Basket Generation Two

Mizuni Sohma

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Mizuni Sohma

Name: Mizuni Sohma
Age: 10
Birth date: March 4
Zodiac: Pisces
Favorite color: Lavender
Least favorite color: orange/yellow
Favorite food: rice balls
Least favorite food: tuna, fried chicken, meatloaf, and hamburgers
Fears: She fears a lot. Most of them are childish, such as people eating her brother or Kureno or herself, and clowns. She HATES clown. She's afraid of clowns, mimes, and magicians at times. She also fears nets and bears.
Appearance: A bit tall for a ten year old, she's about 3'4. Her eyes are a light sky blue and her hair is also a light blue, down to her shoulders where the tresses turn inward. Her skin is creamy and almost flawless. She has a small splotch under her right eye from a cooking accident long ago. She's not fond of pants and is usually seen in lace dresses of white or any other light color. However, when she is hugged, she turns into a pink and blue fish.
Powers: She can talk to fish. Amazing no? She talks to her beta fish named Tragedy and her tiger shark named Ki-Ki-Chan. Along with telekinetic fish talking, Mizu-Chan can also mimic voices. She tends to mimic voices in school, which gets others into trouble. This power is used mostly be Deep Mizu. "Deep Mizu" is Mizu-Chan when she's angry. She loses her innocence and becomes a brat who is completely unlike her normal self. She gets it from her brother, from the genes. Her counterpart like her brother's "Black Haru".
Mizu-Chan is a sweet little ten-year-old who doesn't have to beg for anything. She's sometimes spoilt, but of course, who wouldn't spoil such a cute little girl? Other people think that it's amazing, that such an adorable child is related to the punk fighter Hatsuharu Sohma. But it's true… Mizuni is Hatsuharu's younger sister. Though sometimes she doesn't act like his sister, and more of a fangirl. She tries to act like him sometimes, but she can't get his personality right while being so sweet. She's very helpful. Mizu-Chan looks up to Haru and Yuizaki as her brothers. She also looks up to Me-San. Her best friend is Kisa, though she's somewhat afraid of her tiger form, thinking that tigers will eat fishes.
Mizuni sometimes refers to herself in third person. It's a tendency that's she has except for when she's "Deep Mizu". Deep Mizu never refers to herself in third person, unless she's become coaxed by Yuizaki, and is about to transform back into little Mizu-Chan. Mizu-Chan uses Yui-Sama's help to restrain her dark side, while she does her best to help him out with his.

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Fruits Basket is Copyright Natsuki Takaya. We are not affiliated. Please do not sue us. We are just fans writing a fanfiction.