Fruits Basket Generation Two

Yuizaki's Gang

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Yui's Gang
Left to Right - Utonu, Yuizaki, Oujirou, Kazutai


Name: Utonu Koto
Utonu was the toughest in the gang. Although he was toughest, however, he had a soft side. Today he is a botanical researcher (believe it or not) in the farther south corners of Japan.


Name: Yuizaki Sohma
Yuizaki was the head of the gang. While he was in the gang, he was in love with a girl named Yumi. Yumi was also a Sohma. He was the Gemini and she was the Capricorn of the Sohma Family. He even tattooed her name on his arm. On her 18th birthday, she died. He left the gang the week after. He is still friends with the group. To read his current profile, click here.

Oujirou Suneto

Name: Oujirou Suneto
Oujirou and Yuizaki were the most wild in the gang. Oujirou was also the only one who knew about Yuizaki's secret. He was also the most mysterious in the group. Today he visits Yuizaki frequently, and still keeps the secret.

Name: Kazutai Sono
Kazutai was the least active of the group, also he was the smartest. In his spare time he would write small books and try to get them published. Today, he is a famous author in Tokyo.

Kazutai Sono

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Fruits Basket is Copyright Natsuki Takaya. We are not affiliated. Please do not sue us. We are just fans writing a fanfiction.